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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Have you ever been to a theatre?

Question:yes not long ago with my son we watched mother goose i really enjoyed it made me laugh

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: yes not long ago with my son we watched mother goose i really enjoyed it made me laugh

Yes, I prefer it to the cinema.

Yes, better than cinema any day.

Yes, and they're amazing. Much better than the cinema anyday!

....yes. Most people have, surely.

Yes I saw Chicago in the summer and sat on the front row!!!

yeah, it works with the right story.

When I am working, every night!

Yes, numerous times. I love them and wish I could go more often.

Yes many times, especially on B-Way.

Oh defintely.

I highly recommend it.

yes, last time to see the musical the lion king.

We go really often - try to make it about once a month to London but we like good seats so it gets quite expensive!

Last went on Monday to see The Sound of Music. It was truly lovely and Aoife was fab!!!

Yes a few times last time was 16 years ago when my then girlfriend was in a local amateur dramatics production
