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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Legally Blonde- Chip on my Shoulder?

Question:So, I haven't seen the musical yet, but I absolutely love this song and Omigod You Guys (working on the rest, but they haven't grown on me yet...). I think that this song is just so hilariouas! I mean "The room just got colder" and "What is this?""It's for hair""Wear a hat" and all those things have me cracking up! Now, at the end of the song, Emmett says something about a wise man telling her something... bragging much? Sure, he's smart, but wise? I don't know about that! Then again, I haven't seen it yet.
So, what do you think of this song? Any other suggestions from this musical that I would probably like a lot? Oh, and any ideas on getting it OUT of my head! Thanks in advance!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So, I haven't seen the musical yet, but I absolutely love this song and Omigod You Guys (working on the rest, but they haven't grown on me yet...). I think that this song is just so hilariouas! I mean "The room just got colder" and "What is this?""It's for hair""Wear a hat" and all those things have me cracking up! Now, at the end of the song, Emmett says something about a wise man telling her something... bragging much? Sure, he's smart, but wise? I don't know about that! Then again, I haven't seen it yet.
So, what do you think of this song? Any other suggestions from this musical that I would probably like a lot? Oh, and any ideas on getting it OUT of my head! Thanks in advance!

I love this song! it's amazing... I also think that you'd like the bend and snap! LOOOOOVE it!
as for getting it outta your head... cant help you... I bought the CD and i couldn't get it out of my head for like 2 weeks!

I like this song and am certainly a fan of Emmett's wit. I <3 Christian Borle!

Good song! I like the reprise of that song too (I don't know if it's on the cd-- I have only seen the show). "What You Want" gets stuck in my head all the time.