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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is Popular from Wicked a good song for a talent contest?

Question:I'm in a talent contest and I want to do a Broadway showtune and I really love the song Popular from Wicked but someone said I shouldn't because the lyrics are a bit shallow and egotistical and the judges might not like that. But I still love the song, though. Should I do it or consider another song like "I'm Not that Girl" from the same play?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm in a talent contest and I want to do a Broadway showtune and I really love the song Popular from Wicked but someone said I shouldn't because the lyrics are a bit shallow and egotistical and the judges might not like that. But I still love the song, though. Should I do it or consider another song like "I'm Not that Girl" from the same play?

It depends on how you see yourself as a performer. Are you more of a "singer" or more of an "actress?"

"Popular" is a fun song that gives you the edge to use a lot of movements and facial expressions.

"I'm not that girl" would definately help you show case your vocal range and ability.

I wouldn't worry about the lyrics and how the judge will be affected by them. It all depends on how you perform the song. I would recommand you select the song that suits your personality. (Since you love "Popular" then I'd recommand that one - you have to LIKE what you sing!)

Popular is fun. Overdone, but still the audience will enjoy it.

i think u should do popular. its a fun song and is upbeat. try it!!!

It is a great song but as a director I have heard it so many times, to be honest I tend to tune singers out when they sing anything from Wicked--, I know its a horrible thing to admit but when everyone sings the same songs over and over the performers cease to stand out in my memory

If you want something Kristen Chenoweth-ish listen to her recording of the Cole Porter song "What Shall I Do?" in the musical You Never Know it is an adorable song with lots of high notes and her spunky performance style her recording of Dream a Little Dream is wonderful too:)