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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How to get involved with live theatre?

Question:I live in West Virginia, and I really want to start acting, especially in musicals. I'm not talking broadway, but I'm pretty sure I'd do well. How in the world do I even start auditioning? Also, I'm a college student, so I need to stay in the Morgantown area for now.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I live in West Virginia, and I really want to start acting, especially in musicals. I'm not talking broadway, but I'm pretty sure I'd do well. How in the world do I even start auditioning? Also, I'm a college student, so I need to stay in the Morgantown area for now.

I agree with Brickar (hope I got the handle right!) that the college should have a theater arts club or classes. It's in these clubs and classes that you'll be able to network and find the contacts you want. Community theater groups are wonderful. Check out religious organizations you belong to (if any) to see if they have drama ministries. And don't sell yourself short about Broadway.... To get ready, learn a couple of parts from musicals you like. Not just a few songs, but the whole part. In your spare time. Then when you audition you can leisurely select some dialogue and music that you know very well and are comfortable with. If you're lucky, they'll be putting on the show you know....

well, you can find local theaters in your area and audition to be in shows. i know that theaters have regular plays and musicals, so whatever you want to audition for. auditioning is simple. different theaters have different audition requirements, but the usual requirements are like, reading over a peice of a play. then if you're auditioning for a musical, you have to sing as well. hope i helped, and good luck! :)

If you're a college student, there must be at theatre group on campus for you to check out.

Many people become involved in theater by working with community theater groups.

Community theater literally draws its talent from the community at large, and freqently no experience is necessary. It rarely pays cash, but I've learned something from every show I've been in, and theater has provided me and my family a sense of community that we didn't have before.

A good place to look for community theaters is the American Association of Community Theater at

If you can't find one on their website, send them an email, and they can probably direct you to groups that aren't affiliated with them. Another source is to call your local newspaper and find out when they post theater audtions. Most papers publish them on the same day each week. Also, any freebie newspapers that publish local events such as theater, and music will frequently give audition listings.