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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Funny theatre related stories?

Question:Does anyone have any funny theatre related stories they would care to share? Like nightmare auditions or crazy things going on while in the show?
10 points for the person who makes me laugh out loud! :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anyone have any funny theatre related stories they would care to share? Like nightmare auditions or crazy things going on while in the show?
10 points for the person who makes me laugh out loud! :)

I have two I am thinking of right off-- actually three. First, while I was doing "The Queen's Endgame" about ten years ago, the lady sitting on the sofa next to me is smoking and there is an ashtray on the coffee table. I surreptitiously moved the ashtray over six inches to the left, and she spent the rest of the scene, tapping her ashes off onto the tabletop without noticing that the ashtray had been moved. The second and third both happened while I was playing Dr. Jan Dussel in "Anne Frank". When we are toasting soon after my character first appears, my castmates slipped full-strength peppermint schapps into my glass. I gasped and my face turned bright red. I know the audience noticed because there was a titter going through the crowd. Next, on the last night of our run, during the scene where the character Meep and her husband are bringing food out of his briefcase, the actor flopped a full-sized rubber chicken out and there was a collective gasp from the cast before half had to turn away to hide their faces until they could compose themselves. "Mrs. Frank" about peed herself, and her shoulders were shaking with laughter with her back to the audience.

haha, i had an audition for Romeo and Juliet today and since it was the balcony scene we just stood on a little conductor's podium and i did really good but my friend went before me and she was so nerous that she almost fell off the podium, i felt so bad for her, that's really embarrassing