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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is it possible that there once really was a love like Romeo and Juliet's? Ha

Question:I'm not sure, but I really would like to believe that.
My parents have been married for 33 years, so they are probably a good example of strong love. Of course, it's not all about marriage, but the fact that they have been together for so long really amazes me.
So perhaps there is love so strong left in the world. I can't compare to that, but I can honestly say I would rather die than watch my boyfriend die. :(

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm not sure, but I really would like to believe that.
My parents have been married for 33 years, so they are probably a good example of strong love. Of course, it's not all about marriage, but the fact that they have been together for so long really amazes me.
So perhaps there is love so strong left in the world. I can't compare to that, but I can honestly say I would rather die than watch my boyfriend die. :(

The love between Romeo and Juliet was all fake. For God's sakes they were teenagers!

And Romeo was a perv who spent most of his time checking out other chicks...

i think their was a long time before especially when so many had arranged marriages but their heart belong to somebody else.

yes .................shah jahan and mumtaz mahal

yeah my x and I were star crossed lovers 2 Scorpio's there is no way it would work

There has definitely been love like Romeo and Juliet's - just take a look at any pre-teen who has a bad case of puppy-love!
The only difference between them and the star-crossed lovers is the fact that few children/teenagers these days have parents who seriously oppose their relationship. Opposition often makes people more determined to make a relationship work.
Romeo and Juliet were saps: Romeo should have left well alone and Juliet should have married Paris: a real man as opposed to a drip. In my opinion their love was nothing more than infatuation.

Then again, I've never liked this play, so i am rather biased.