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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Theatre Techy's?

Question:Are there any theatre techy's out there on this website?? I'm getting fed up with all the acting and auditions questions. Aren't you??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Are there any theatre techy's out there on this website?? I'm getting fed up with all the acting and auditions questions. Aren't you??

I see a few tech questions on here--I've asked a few myself. we techies need actors though, so it's good that there are still a load and a half of them auditioning...It does get overwhelming, but we should have a technical theater section of Yahoo Answers :).
I am also a Stage Manager (seems to be popular here...) and have also been asked if I do it because I wasn't good enough at acting. Its funny, because my job is performing at an improv comedy club--so I make money in performance--I'm just an aspiring stage manager. What tech do you do? I'll keep an eye out if you ask any questions--and we'll be sure that the tech people help each other out!

not really, just the same teeny boppers who want to be disney starts. I have answerd a coupld of tech questions by the way.

I would class myself more as an actor however recently got involved with the technical side of theatre and did follow spot for a show. It lasted a week and I've sort of realized how hard the technical side of things are and how much the people that do it get taken for granted. So I say well done on the techy's! lol

Absolutely! I wish people would realise that there are many satisfying jobs in theatre.Working backstage is brilliant. It doesn't matter what you look like, if needed you can have the script in your hand all through the show and ok, you don't get applause at the end, but you do get the satisfaction of being part of a great show. As Stage Management, I have been asked if I am a failed actor (how rude!). People are surprised to find I trained to do my job because I wanted to, not because it was the only option left. I have been lucky enough to have worked with some of the UK's top theatre directors, designers, lighting and sound. I wouldn't swap my job to be a famous actor. Working in the dark is best!

Yes! Stage management all the way!

Yep, freelance stage manager here! Theatre is probably the only workplace in the world where standing in the corner pushing buttons and talking to yourself isn't seen as totally weird. Strange but true!