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Question:For school, me and 3 other friends have to perform a play. it has to be somewhere around 8 minutes and something for 4 people to do. does anyone have any ideas for it? i have nooo idea what it should be about. please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For school, me and 3 other friends have to perform a play. it has to be somewhere around 8 minutes and something for 4 people to do. does anyone have any ideas for it? i have nooo idea what it should be about. please help!

Show the audience the dynamics of a 3-way friendship.
How closeness is always seeming to move from 2-on one side to 1 against the 2. In 3-way friendships its easy to gossip about your shared friend but your play could offer alternative's. It's a commen scenerio that you could shed some awareness, and actualy do some good in sharing the knowledge.

a sc hool problem

Come out look at the audience and fart , should take 30 secs maybe a minute with the audience laughing

a dumb play is a play that is performed without using "words" done completely silent.

i wrote this humorous short about a corpse who won't sit still for his own funeral.

You're three witches, like in Shakespear, and when you look into your cauldron you see various things and conspire to change some of them for your own amusement by creating incantations.

Skippy thinks a good play would be where a bunch of men on a ship are looking for a whale. They look and look, but you know what? They never find him. And you know why they never find him? It doesn't say. The play leaves it up to you, the audience, to decide. Then, at the very end, there's a page in the program you can lick and it tastes like Kool-Aid.

hey..well 8 minute skits which are also good are really difficult to find..but theres this little skit called- the not sure of the playwright bcause its off some collected play book called ladies-one,two,three..(very british play).which is about 12 mins or so...its quite funny..its about two women who are at a sale and they fight over a roll of material which leads them to nearly murdering the shop assistant...
well i hope this helps..
Break a leg...