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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do you become a model as a teenager?

Question:is there any safe way to go about it?
what do you do?!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: is there any safe way to go about it?
what do you do?!


First, find a reputable modeling agency in your hometown; not a modeling school or one where you have to pay to "learn to be a model." You either have the looks for it or you don't. It's best to have an interview with someone at an agency, and they can tell you a) if you have potential, and b) what to do next. Typically, if you get past "a", you will be given a list of photographers to shoot with, because you need to start compiling some "looks" for your portfolio and card. A card is a mosaic of some of your best shots you've accumulated from the photographers. It's always better (but more expensive) to shoot with several rather than one photographer. Some new and aspiring photographers may be available as well, and typically you both "trade out" your talents-- you'll allow him/her to use photos of you for their own portfolio, and he/she will not charge you for their time and possibly just their expenses (ie: film, processing, etc). Once you have accumulated two or more "looks", take the photos back in to the agent and both of you will go over them, choosing the ones which make you most marketable. Buy a nice portfolio for your pics, get cards made by your agency, then let your agent find you work. If someone needs talent and you fit the parameters, you will be sent (book and cards in hand) on a "go-see." There you will meet the client, and where you will show your stuff. If you and your photos impress, you get the job! The agency bills the client for your time, usually an hourly rate, and when they are paid you get paid-- minus an agency commission of 15 to 25%. Remember, agencies make their money on that commission from the client, and any agency that makes you pay them is not one you can trust to take you where you want to go. Good luck!

OK.... there is a safe way to go about it... but it takes A LOT of time.... you have to find an agency. that is the MOST IMPORTANT thing... i'm 15 and i've been working my butt of for like 3 years just doing research.... avoid scams like Barbizon, because it costs a ridiculous amount of money for training and it isn't worth it at all.... do a lot of research, read a lot of books!

Take care of you're physical appearence too! because that is what makes a model.

Finally take the first step towards your goal. there is a very slim chance an agent will just look at you walking down the street and say "wow i should hire her for my national photo shoot!"
I wish it worked that way but it doesn't.... if you need more info just ask! I've been there so I'm just here to help!

The safe way to go about becoming a model is to make sure you are confident and secure, and then submit to different modeling agencies. Stay away from places that make you pay fees, and "classes" (aka John Robert Powers). You won't need classes.

Anyway, what you should do is look up modeling agencies online, see their requirements, and mail in the necessary photos.

Several reputable places to look at are:

Ford Models

Says on website how to submit online.


Check "Submissions" heading


Check "Contact" area

Elite Models

Check "New Faces"

and Generation Model Management

Check "Info" section

Hope this helps, good luck!

You have parents who work hard to start your modeling career in grade school or earlier.

Don't have that? Then make long-term plans that recognize the reality of your situation.

The safest way is to let your parents handle things like investigating the agencies in your region, and driving you to appointments.

You're going to need their permission to do anything anyway, if you are a minor, so it's better to have them on board from the beginning.