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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Help making a skit !!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE?

Question:Ok so for one of my classes i need to make a skit either using or showing the following words.

Verbatim-which means word for word
verisimilitude- very close to reality
viable- do able
winnow-to eliminate

its will be by two people.

our setting
we will be at Hilcrest, which is the local town where many gay people are
we are best friends.
we have the fear of ******s
and one of us is an abrasive *****

Can some one help me out and give me an idea

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Ok so for one of my classes i need to make a skit either using or showing the following words.

Verbatim-which means word for word
verisimilitude- very close to reality
viable- do able
winnow-to eliminate

its will be by two people.

our setting
we will be at Hilcrest, which is the local town where many gay people are
we are best friends.
we have the fear of ******s
and one of us is an abrasive *****

Can some one help me out and give me an idea

A skit about theatre would be good for putting those words out there. Maybe, you have to put on a show for the first time, and neither of you have it fully memorized?

@.@ Hope this helps somewhat.

When creating for stage it is always wise to use your observations on life to isolate the theme. Your insight and experiences make you the perfect platform to begin sewing together the life of a scene.

Do any of these words jump out at you and make an impression? go with that word.

look that word up in wikipidia and be aware of your thoughts.

One good tactic to show what you want is to show what is not. for instance with the word versimilitude, you could put a scene together in a very animated, slapstick, physical world and then break the rule to show the bleakness that we actually experience on a daily basis.

good luck!

Do what I do:

Use people you know and the language they use to write your scene.

For example, Leon is a big guy I know but he has a limited vocabulary. Ananda is another guy I know who is rather lean but well up on vocabulary. So I'd write a scene like this:

LEON: Verbatim, word for word. Verbatim, word for word
ANANDA: Dude, what you up to?
LEON: Verbatim, word for - huh?
ANANDA: Why you talking to yourself?
LEON: I'm not! Verbatim, word for word
ANANDA: Dude, you're a washout!

And so it will go, with Leon trying to explain why he's learning the words and Ananda making fun of him.

Thing is, Leon and Ananda are real guys and all I have to do is give them the words (in my imagination) and they do the rest :)