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Question:My first play and tryouts are tomorrow! Any tips? Please help me in any way you can!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My first play and tryouts are tomorrow! Any tips? Please help me in any way you can!

First thing is first: CHILL OUT!!!! lol
Secondly, remained chilled until after the audtion at least!
Here are some other tips:
Show your real personality, if they see who you truely are then they will better understand you and feel that you are upfront and open enough to be casted for a roll.
Be loud!!! All the great acting in the world means nothing if they cant hear you!
show personality in every aspect. Make sure that all of the expressions you have go into it. By that i mean, if it is a comedy think of something funny that hapened to you to make yourself appear naturally happy.
Follow directions:then they know that they can trust you
take it seriously and look like you take acting seriously!
and finally: HAVE FUN!!!
if your having fun (controllably of course) then the casting directors will be having much fun also!!!

Ok calm down you are talking to a professional actress so just follow these steps and you will be fine. Breath in and hold it and brath out slowly and completely. Reherse your song like crazy you dont want to mess up. And then just get a good nights sleep. and then last bu not least dont think about and dont look nervous when you go up there the directos dont like that. hope this helps

Ok... get lots of rest and Drink plenty of water.... dont "over reherse" your monologue or music, because them you start the psych yourself out.... breathe and relax... be positive and smile.... If you get nervous, it's ok.. i've done this since i was like 5 and i'm 15 now and I still get nervous..... but just do your best and have fun with it!