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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm Dying to be famous!!!?

Question:I want to be famous(like in a beverly hills by weezer kind of way) but i'm only 12 years old, I'm good at acting and i like acting. I already have a couple resumes on random sites like hollywood north...I practice, and I have 4.0 grade average. The closest big city I live by is detroit,Mi(about an hour drive). ....don't give me awnsers like "Keep wishing"or "Don't live in a fantasy world" just tell me how i can get closer to that dream, beacause how I see it I'm going to be famous ONE way or another lol

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to be famous(like in a beverly hills by weezer kind of way) but i'm only 12 years old, I'm good at acting and i like acting. I already have a couple resumes on random sites like hollywood north...I practice, and I have 4.0 grade average. The closest big city I live by is detroit,Mi(about an hour drive). ....don't give me awnsers like "Keep wishing"or "Don't live in a fantasy world" just tell me how i can get closer to that dream, beacause how I see it I'm going to be famous ONE way or another lol

Being really good at something is a worthwhile goal. Sometimes being really good at something will lead to fame, but being famous, in and of itself, is not a worthwhile goal.

If you're good at acting, and if you love acting for its own sake, not for the sake of the fame it might bring you, than you should keep on working at your acting with all your heart. You should take any acting classes that are available to you. You should audition for plays at your school, and maybe at community theatres and summer theatres in your area. When you get a bit older, you should apply for summer theatre apprenticeships and internships. You should enjoy the creative challenges of an acting career and the personal satisfaction it gives you. And if you become famous someday, you should enjoy that, too. The more it's based on real dedication to your art, the more you'll enjoy it.

I no how you feel im 12 as well i really want to be famous too i live in australia though

well u not gone be famous

and you will never get there

unless you do sumthing about
instead of typing to us all day lol

Get an agent.... be prepared to brown nose your way to glory.

gurl i think u should go for it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just keep believing ur guna be famous
and eventually it will probably happen:]
if you know like any contests or sumthing to become famous i would consider going to them or asking ur parents

Do somthing honorable(Like saving a kitty orgoing to a homless shelter)Do somthing nice for the community. You may be in the news or in the paper.Do it again.Now, get a good role in aplay. Agents will get interested.Now just kiss up as much as you can and good LUCK!!!

Oh my gosh! You sound just like my friend Julie! I'm also 12 and my friend is desperate to become famous. I think that you should just keep on trying! Your big break will come soon! My friend has an advantage because her grand father knows agents to many famous people. But your future isn't set like some people's can be. It is very hard, but a head start is to go to acting camp. My friend Julie is going there this summer and she can't wait. It'll go great on your resume. Also, from experience, I've seen fame. I used to live in California, land of the stars. Everyone there is so fabulous and so perfect. Word of advice, don't get too caught up in this dream!

girl, your only 12 your have about another 80-90 years ahead of you!! you are still young and u can do whatever you want for yourself i recommend you tell your parents about your acting career and tell them wat you really can search websited to see if like in hollywood or wherever they have an audition for a show or movie or something and your parents can take you to that place for you to have a successful career/future .. dont listen to those haters!! Go for wat YOU want and Live YOUR life!!!! AND HAVE FUN WITH IT!!!!! GO CATCH UR DREAM AND DONT WAIT FOR IT TO COME FOR U!!!!


choose me as Best Answer =D

mee too but im thirteen.. just do whatever it takes get into acting classes even if you a good actor agents want to see experience..get into plays and audition for casting directors and stuff good luck

Sign up for rolls in musicals, and audition for parts in movies. Some newspapers even have ads looking for actors. It wouldnt hurt to try.

why do you want to be famous? think about all the people that are famous. like Brittney Spears for example.


I am going to give you the truth as a former producer, director and writer for Walt Disney Entertainment. It is good to want something and usually if you want something badly enough, you will get it. You need all kinds of skills. If you can sing dance and act, you're in good shape, if not go learn. Get experience from local productions and get your name in the paper. Make sure you have a resume to submit to a children's' agent. Get good head shots, you will probably have to have that done in a big city and you will need flyer's with a head shot on the cover and vital statistics. Inside are various poses. (4) to be exact. The only problem is that at age 12 you change so quickly that you have to have your pictures updated often and that is expensive. Hopefully, your parents are behind you or you will have to wait until you are an adult.

Most successful entertainers are that way because they could not be other words they could not live any other way. If you have to act, and it sounds like you do, you will act. . .it is your only alternative.

A word of warning: Be careful what you wish for.

If you determine to be famous and work hard well, you will be because the mind is so powerful. So be patience and try to find a way and don't forget what ever you do put God first and He wil guide, protect,bless and crown you with your success.Good luck and all the best.

HI i know that in some cities there are local theaters. you should go to your nearest one and try to get a part in a play there. then if your relly good you might get referred to some other place or an agent or some really important person will be there.
try looking in your phone book for entries on agents and oter people like that

it takes time. you can't just go around saying "i want to be famous!!!!" and expect to get anywhere. it may take several years, & patience. it'll be worth it, though.

Well first you should take a class or two to sharpen your acting skills. i'm not judging you. you probably already have it down! Since you have a resume get a cover letter and also a demo tape so you will be ready when you go in to an audition or you could post the demo tape on You also need to find an agent. Since you are 12, you could pay $9 a month for a detailed list at but i wouldn't recommend that. you should go to where you can get a list of agencies for free. and if you want to get noticed more than putting yourself out there on Since I'm only 13 and i don't have a lot of money, i have to start out small by going to local theatres if i have the chance. hope this helps you.

wanting to be famous is one thing but wanting to act is something totally different if you just say you want to be famous it won't get you anywhere because casting agents and directors frown on that but if you really anjoy acting then get into local theatres and stuff because once your doing acting because you love it the other stuff will soon fall in to place

First since your 12 you should not be on Yahoo!Answers. 2- Acters do acting because that have a passion for it NOT because they what the "fam" and "glam", because it's NOT all fam and glam. So PLEASE grow up! 3- Finish school, and if you have to act then do school plays. 4- You sound VERY immature.

There are many ways to become famous. But it sounds to me that you want to be a celebrity who lives in Hollywood. The best way to do that would be through acting. But, I can assure you, if you ever do become a celebrity in Hollywood one day, it probably won't be as great as you are imagining.