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Question:I'm auditioning for the first time for a part in a film, how should i dress and do my hair and stuff?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm auditioning for the first time for a part in a film, how should i dress and do my hair and stuff?

NONONONON! Please don't dress in charachter. That shows you are not a professional and you're trying to hard! You will look very stupid in a casting agent's eyes! Anyways audition outfits are tricky and Ive put together a perfect combo I use almost every time:

pants- nice, no jeans. I wear gauchos cause they are good for movement but I mainly audition for stage so I would say a good pair of black pants.

shirt- Soemthing nice, but not skin tight.

shoes- Anything you can comfortably move and get around fast in. (never know what to expect they could tell you to jump around the room lol )

hair- pulled back out of your face. half up and half down works really well because they can see the length as well as your facial features. Don't curl it if it's normally straight, and be prepared to not change it at all if you get cast so make any improvements or cuts before the audition. Also dont put it ina bun or something where they cant see length.

makeup- not too much. Dont cake it on and dont over apply. that covers up how your face naturally look which they go for. good set would be mascara, a light shadow in a brown or white maybe, eyeline (bottom only dont put on upper eyelid makes your eyes look very dark) and a powder foundation to match your skin tone.

Hope that answers your question and once again- IM WARNING YOU DONT DRESS IN CHARACTER even if it seems to make sense. its just one of those things. They will be looking for professionals not amatuers who have no idea what theyre doing! show them you know your stuff ( or at least act as though you do)
when its all put together make sure your comfortable and youll make a good professional impression!

Break a Leg!

~ The Stage Queen

It depends on the role. Is it the part of a woman of the streets, a countess, a housewife - you need to dress appropriately for the role without being in costume. If it's an elegant part, a suit with your hair up; a prostitute, look kind of cheap and wear extra makeup (don't worry, your head shot shows the real you), for a housewife, more casual.

If you don't know what the role is, look like a million bucks and wear what you look best in and wear your hair the way that flatters your face.

if you know what part you are doing, dress like that part so you also look the way you act. If you do not know the part, then just dress casual, but no t shirt, jeans, or anything that is disrespectful. When in doubt, break out the white button down shirt and black slacks (or you can change the color scheme: I go for a navy blue shirt with black slacks but what have you.). You want a good first impression, but be prepared to keep up that impression.

For your hair: Pull it up, just so that it's out of your face and they can see your eyes and the shape of your face. I would do my hair half up, half down.

Make up: Keep it simple. Concealer, a little foundation [if needed], mascara. and a light peach eyeshadow is great. It shows how you truly look, without putting tons on.

Dress: I would wear dress pants or a skirt and a nice oxford shirt. Keep it simple, so the directors can imagine you in whatever role you're trying out for.

If you know something about the character you're auditioning for, try to dress as you think THEY would dress. (example: Biker-scruffy look, leathers & bugs in your teeth). Get into the character before you get there!!! Make that character YOURS!!

First of all, what film is it? email me:
and second, you should definitely wear solid colored shirt. If you have a pattern, it will take away from 'you'. So a nice black shirt and some slacks, or a white shirt that is NOT see-through . I'm not completely sure if you want to dress like the part you are auditioning for. This could make you seem to desperate. But that's just my opinion. Break a Leg!

dress casually. if you aren't sure what the part is it's the safest thing to do. look amazing, but don't make it look like you put a whole lot of effort into your appearence. You want to be comfortable, and you'll achieve that by feeling good in your appearence and knowing you look good.

- about the whole jeans thing, i don't think it's exactly disrepectful...but say if they ask you to do movement of some sort, it would be best to be prepared to move freely.