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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What is the best way to memorize a one page script in 2 days?

Question:I need to memorize a one page sales script in 2 days. Anyone have any tips on how they do it?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need to memorize a one page sales script in 2 days. Anyone have any tips on how they do it?


Write it out longhand, say it in front of the mirror. Repetition is key.

write to me at and I will send you my article on how to learn lines

i managed to this but with an entire script by getting my family involved . i played my part and my family played the other parts and just ran through it over and over again. W hen you feel confident enough try it without the script , and do it over and over again. And when i was proforming i didnt forget a thing . it must work coz i have a mind like a sive lol

hope i helped ! :P

Get your friends to help you. Give them parts to read if there is any extra and you will do your part. Read it out loud infront of a mirror until you can do it without the script. When your comfortable then do it infront of other people and ask them how they thought it was.
Good Luck!