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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Hey... do you guys think I should audition for a musical?

Question:I'm really good at singing... dancing... acting... the whole thing.. It's just that... I have stage fright..=[

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm really good at singing... dancing... acting... the whole thing.. It's just that... I have stage fright..=[

First of all, auditions can be on stage BUT in front of fellow auditioners who are as nervous as your are (it's true.) Stage fright... I had that (and hells, sometimes still do). I understand. It's FRIGHTENING. Here's a trick: when you are on stage, you are your character, you are NOT the usual erm I dunno you first name and therefore are a completely different person! You are in a different setting, possibly a different time, wearing different clothes than you own, your... a different person 100%. (and even if you not, your still playing a character.) If you are in character, you are barely aware (or, possibly unaware) that your onstage! Just stay in character! If you do that, when you get offstage and are... w/e your 1st name is you did your job... the audience watched you and thought yo uwere good.

Everyone has stage fright, why let it stop you? You'll miss out on a lot if you don't try/

I'm the same! I have stage fright. But even though I'm not goign with this because I want to be a pediatrician think about it. Pretend that you're in front of a mirror. Make eye contact with the mirror and strut your stuf! Don't lose out on your talent now!

People always are nervous, especially with auditions. Give it your best shot and you might get a yes, but if you don't audition it will always be a no.

don't let your fear stop you from life so keep trying and you will succeed:]