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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I got a role to play Helena in a play called "A midsummer nights dream"

First of all, you are lovesick. You love a man (Demetrius) who used to love you, but now loves someone else (Hermia).
You are also Hermia's childhood Friend, but also jealous of her because of her beauty.
In the middle of the play, Helena thinks that Hermia is playing a trick on her, and does get mad at her.
You basically spend most of the play trying to win Demetrius's love.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Congratulations!
First of all, you are lovesick. You love a man (Demetrius) who used to love you, but now loves someone else (Hermia).
You are also Hermia's childhood Friend, but also jealous of her because of her beauty.
In the middle of the play, Helena thinks that Hermia is playing a trick on her, and does get mad at her.
You basically spend most of the play trying to win Demetrius's love.

i read some of the play in 5th grade but i dont really remember too much of it. if u havent read it yet, you should read it and study helena's actions, characteristics, clothings, and reactions. hope i helped.

Read the whole play and find her goals, obstacles, tactics, et cetera. Helena is totally obsessed with Demitrius, she's vulnerable and sensitive and doesn't think that she is as pretty as Hermia. She changes a lot during the course of the play, so that would be something to watch for as well. Good Luck!