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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I want to be a famous actor, how do i get an agent without paying? please read o

Question:i live in maine so theres like no movie auditons but i actually would love to be a fmous actor. no not in theatres, i mean yes, im trying to get into theatre so i can have some work experience on acting, but where do i find about agents or casting directors without paying money to view them? just about all the sites i see, you need to pay before seeing their information. this would make my day because ive been dreaming of becoming an actor just about my whole life. thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i live in maine so theres like no movie auditons but i actually would love to be a fmous actor. no not in theatres, i mean yes, im trying to get into theatre so i can have some work experience on acting, but where do i find about agents or casting directors without paying money to view them? just about all the sites i see, you need to pay before seeing their information. this would make my day because ive been dreaming of becoming an actor just about my whole life. thanks

There's not going to be a whole lot of work in Maine, so take the opportunity to do small projects while you're there. Is there a college or university in your town that has a film department? If so, those students will need actors for thier projects which is a great way to get some experience and some students submit their thesis films to festivals to it can even be some exposure. Also, look into any community theatres and places where you can take some acting classes.

Forget the websites. There will be nothing for where you are and are a waste of money.
As far as where to find out about agents and casting directors, there are listings in the Ross Reports, however it's all for NY and LA because that's where the majority of the work is. Check your yellowpage for any local agencies, but stay away from John Robert Powers, Barbizon or John Casablancas.
You can check out the Maine Film Office website for projects that are filming in your area -

Also, learn as much as you can about the business. You do not start out with an agent, you only get one after you've gotten some solid training and experience. Check out:
Breaking into Acting for Dummies
Ask an Agent
Marketing for Actors

Good luck!

Agents make money by placing talent into productions. If you have talent, then an agent will handle you for nothing. Remember, the agent works for you.

An agent that charges you is not really working for you. Stay away.

However, keep in mind that agent's aren't made of money, so you may need to invest in your own development. Don't expect the agent to pay for your lessons, recording sessions, photos,e tc. That's your expense.

Be smart. Learn the business. Talk to someone who knows, or read some books.

ok...heres what you do.....head for l.a........get a job..any job...join all the thousands of others that are convinced they want to be famous actors too!....dont worry about paying an agent as they wont bother you until you have actually done some real acting.....then IF you are lucky they MAY consider to take some money from you and promote you....IF you are worth considering

If you want to be famous, there are many ways to make that happen.

If you want to be a good actor, you're going to have to work for/at it.

Agents do not charge you; they take a percentage of your earnings. They're more likely to sign you on if you have experience and skills.

Licensed talent agencies do NOT advertise.