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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are some good dating game questions?

Question:I'm doing a skit/parody of the dating game and I'm looking for some good/funny questions bachlorettes would ask bachelors. thanks =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm doing a skit/parody of the dating game and I'm looking for some good/funny questions bachlorettes would ask bachelors. thanks =)

MadTV did one where Kim Jong Il and Sadam Hussein were on it :-)

They used to ask silly questions like if I was a cat and you were a dog how would you handle our first date?
From youtube-
Andy Kaufman episode:
If I were Santa and you were a little boy on my lap, what would you say?
Arnold S:
These are my measurements (reads off a few), what do we have in common?
John Ritter:
If we got married what kind of unusual wedding could you dream up?
David Cassidy:
My roomate and I might install closed circuit TV. What would you do knowing that our time together was televised?
Karen Carpenter:
Pretend that you're your mother and answer this question. Is your son normal?
Let's hear your best ending for this sentence:
I'll do anything for you except...
If you were ice cream what flavor would you be?

have fun,

What are some qualities in your mother that you also look for in a girl?

If you were deserted on a remote island with 3 things in your pocket, what would you wish you had?

Describe the perfect date for a rainy afternoon.

If you were a fruit which fruit would you be?

I'm sick and have to cancel our date this weekend. How do you respond?

What are your favorite qualities in a woman and why?