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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I need an idea for a writing a short school play?

Question:I need an idea for a short (2 page or less) play for school. I hate plays. But we have to do it. I have recruted 2 other girls to be in it with me. So we have 3 girls in this play. I can rope in my guy friend if I need a boy. Anyway, we had to make up the first part of our first draft today. We had 30 min. I ended with a blank sheet of paper. My teacher wasn't impressed but wtf do I care. ANY IDEAS FOR A SHORT PLAY. It can be funny or stupid or anything. We're being graded on how we format the writing, not he words themselves, so...


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need an idea for a short (2 page or less) play for school. I hate plays. But we have to do it. I have recruted 2 other girls to be in it with me. So we have 3 girls in this play. I can rope in my guy friend if I need a boy. Anyway, we had to make up the first part of our first draft today. We had 30 min. I ended with a blank sheet of paper. My teacher wasn't impressed but wtf do I care. ANY IDEAS FOR A SHORT PLAY. It can be funny or stupid or anything. We're being graded on how we format the writing, not he words themselves, so...


the best way to write a play is to:
think of name of play
think of the setting
events leading up to main conflict

its hard thinking of a whole new original idea for a play, i know
do a play based on a real life experience; a baby sitting job gone bad, maybe you accidently blew something up or set something on fire by accident, played a prank on someone...those all make great story plots if you develop it

hope this helps!