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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> John Casablancas Modeling and Career Center?

Question:are they a scam?? give me all the info you have!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: are they a scam?? give me all the info you have!!!!

they are money grubbing snobs. They care nothing of you as a human being or your career.
fuK dat! you don't need to pay anyone to train you. Look into agencies in your area to guide you and constantly enter yourself into contest.

they aren't a scam but he has a bad reputation for hitting on the models and trying to get them to have sex with him.

no theyre not scam...been there in the younger years
its ok if you like to be around preppy, plastic, ritch b i t ches
and it is pretty expensive...go on google and type in john casablanca and itl lead you into the webpage

S TO THE C TO THE A TO THE AM!!! ha. scaam. ha. They train you yeah, thats nice, but for to much money.