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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Whats the easiest way?

Question:Does anybody know the easiest way to get into acting without moving or spending alpl my time consumed with it? I want to get into some acting without having to move, quit working, and still be able to raise my daughter. Any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Does anybody know the easiest way to get into acting without moving or spending alpl my time consumed with it? I want to get into some acting without having to move, quit working, and still be able to raise my daughter. Any suggestions?

Have you tried your local theater? I am sure that they have auditions several times a year for many productions during the season. But, like any theater or production, rehearsal and practice is involved, so I really don't see how you can get around that. I waited until my youngest was about 7 years old before I got back into it. I just looked at it as a small sacrifice. If you don't have friends, relatives or good sitters that you can rely on, then maybe you can ask for their support.

Community theater is your best bet. This is not a business to be taken lightly. You either dive in head first or you don't.

Find out who the best acting teachers are in your area. Go take some classes. After you feel ready start auditioning for local community theatre productions. That's all there is too it really.

I agree, community theatre. It will still require a commitment of time, especially in the evenings, as most people involved will have day jobs.

It depends what you want to do with acting.
If you want a professional career then you have to do everything it takes and go into it whole-heartedly. Bearing in mind it's very hard and as there is never a steady income, it would be hard if you're raising a little girl.
If you want to do amateur theatre just because it's something you love as a hobby then I'd say audition for your local operatic society.

Like every one else said COMMUNITY THEATRE...look at ur citys websight if they have one or ur countys websight and look up community theatres and they are completly free, and LOTS OF FUN=)