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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Disney channel auditions call back?

Question:so i made an online profile on some disney channel audition site and they called me today and said that they really liked my profile and that they wanted me to come out and audition some this really good? or do they do this to everyone who makes a profile?

and i can't find the site now!! does anyone know what site they have the disney channel auditions on?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: so i made an online profile on some disney channel audition site and they called me today and said that they really liked my profile and that they wanted me to come out and audition some this really good? or do they do this to everyone who makes a profile?

and i can't find the site now!! does anyone know what site they have the disney channel auditions on?

thats awsome for you dude!!!! i hope u make it and as far as i kno they dont do that to everyone that posts a profile cuz if they did then thats a lot of time that could be wasted on people not worth their time and that would be really dumb!!!
but GO U!!!!!

Sounds good to me. Good Luck!!!

you're such a liar

what do you think


yeah thats wonderfulll...congradulations...sorry i do not know where the disney channel auditions are...but once you find out tell me please!!!!

sounds good to me good luck have fun

im not sure sry. thats really cool they liked it though

hey, if u find the site could u e-mail it to me?

i think they just try to get people to come out so you can buy stuff or something. they do it all the time in TArget where i live!!!!! i wouldnt do so. :( unless you really want to.

try googleing

This link should get you what you

look in your browser internet history, it'll probably be there.

That's pretty exciting, but I would proceed with caution if I were you. Anyone can say they are with Disney and just trick you into going somewhere to meet them. These are dangerous time we live in. If they set up an appointment with you

1) don't go alone
2) get some credentials from the person your are talking to so you can verify that they even work for Disney.

Good luck!

Sounds like a Powers scam to me. If you have the email reply, you can recontact them. Are you sure you are dealing with Disney? they do not need to look at on line profiles, they have agents that can get them all the actors they need. You had better clue your parents in to what is going on.

it sounds like a scam to me. dont go for it. there are lots of fake agents out there.

really what did you addition for?