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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I tried out for Guys and Dolls and got a call back...?

Question:What can i do to make myself stand out from everyone else the second time around?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What can i do to make myself stand out from everyone else the second time around?

It really depends on what you were called back for. If it is for a specific role the best thing you can do is know the song you need to sing, the scene you will need to read and anything else they want prepared backwards and forwards. You were called back because they liked what they saw at the first audition. You have already shown them you have talent. Now you need to show them that you are dedicated and know how to prepare.

Callbacks are an opportunity for the director to see who is right for each role. The most talented person in the world could lose out on a role simply because they were not what the director was looking for. It can be something as simple as they have settled on who they want to play Nathan and one of the Adelaides just look right next to that person. You have no control over that part so just be prepared and feel confident that they already like you or you wouldn't have been called back.

If you were called back for one of the hot box girls be dressed to dance and show some sass. Other wise you will most likely have a section they will want you to read. Again know it well and show how prepared you are and you will automatically have an edge.

Break a leg!

Usually with call backs, the director has you and two or three other people in mind for a particular part. All you have to do is outshine those few people, not everybody else. They also want to see if you are compatible with the rest of the cast. Your height and hair color, skin color, weight. There's really nothing you can do. But usually, if you are called back and you don't get the part you want, you still get a part, it just isn't a big one. Connections help too. It's 75% connections, 20% looks and 5% talent.

Look at videos of the movie, study what part you got called for, try to really capture the character within yourself. Then just be free and try not to be nervous. If you are confident, you will stand out.

Please don't go there!!! The reason you were called back was because of what you did in the first audition. AND THAT'S WHAT YOU NEED TO DO AGAIN FOR THE CALL BACK. If you go in trying to be cute and change things up, you'll be making a huge mistake.. So, do EXACTLY what you did that got you the callback unless the casting agent gives you corrections/adjustments....Take them and exicute! That's it....

Depends on the roll. If you are going for a back up player or Adiline, you might put your hair tight curls and pretend to chew gum. If you are going for the lead. Hair up, a nice dark dance outfit, with skirt.

Be yourself! Don't try to be something you are not. If the part is right for you - they may see that. Always be ready for disappointment - it's not that you are not good enough - they just don't see that you are right for the part. Believe in yourself!