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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do you have to put your weight in an acting resume?


As a stage performer my resume does not mention height or weight.

Movies may be different, you may want to mention height and clothing size.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: No.

As a stage performer my resume does not mention height or weight.

Movies may be different, you may want to mention height and clothing size.

For any stage work if it's apparent from your headshot you're unusually heavy or light, it probably won't matter. For commercial on-camera work, it could be more important, but any such fine points would be satisfied in an audition.

Few things are more annoying to on-camera casting people than for an actor to walk in to an audition looking substantially different from a headshot.

absolutely and make sure your head shot looks like you.

If you do decide to put it on, I would recommend including your clothing size as well. People hold weight differently and a number that looks big or small on paper may not necessarily be the reality when you see them in person due to fat/muscle ratio. Take a look at the stats of the American Gladiator women for some examples of what might (in the acting world) be considered higher that "ideal", however those women are indredible lean and fit. You can never tell by a number!

Personally, I don't put my weight on my resume - it's none of their business! Plus, in my opinion, it's kind of like age - it doesn't matter how old you ARE, just how old you LOOK.

Of course you put your height and weight on an acting résumé, suppose you're right for the part, but, you don't have your height/weight listed, you don't get an audition.

Talent Agents are not psychic, if you don't provide height/weight, you may be ruled out for an audition, for which you otherwise qualify.

It also depends on, where in the USA you live and perform. Find out what the Talent Agents in your city want to see on a résumé. Ask your actor friends.