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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> DO I HAVE WHAT IT takes TO BEeee.? [read here]?

Question:Do I have a chance to become a professional child actress?

This is my monolouge from the movie Mean Girls, it took me ALL NIGHT to upload [something with my computer] so I really hope you enjoy it.

Okay, first, please rate me on a scale from 1-10
[ten being best.] on how good the acting, expressions, hand jestures and whatnot are.

Two, please say with just a YES or NO answer if I would be able to make it in the buisness [with or without classes/ect. please write that too :D]

Three, How can I improve my acting? How can I make it better, more believable, and other..

So if you wrote it in the best way possible it would look like this. [note: this is JUST an example.]

1: 6 [example]
2: Yeah [with classes]
3: You should probably [yaddaa yaddaa]

[please don't call me fat, I know I am fat, please don't call me ugly, I know I'm majorly ugly, I KNOW!]

Thank you!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do I have a chance to become a professional child actress?

This is my monolouge from the movie Mean Girls, it took me ALL NIGHT to upload [something with my computer] so I really hope you enjoy it.

Okay, first, please rate me on a scale from 1-10
[ten being best.] on how good the acting, expressions, hand jestures and whatnot are.

Two, please say with just a YES or NO answer if I would be able to make it in the buisness [with or without classes/ect. please write that too :D]

Three, How can I improve my acting? How can I make it better, more believable, and other..

So if you wrote it in the best way possible it would look like this. [note: this is JUST an example.]

1: 6 [example]
2: Yeah [with classes]
3: You should probably [yaddaa yaddaa]

[please don't call me fat, I know I am fat, please don't call me ugly, I know I'm majorly ugly, I KNOW!]

Thank you!!!

Score: 7-8
you were good and replicated the emotions from the real clip, but you stopped and were a little unsure of yourself beforehand. Less hand guestures, but more movement in an audition is good. You need classes, no matter how good you get to continue to sharpen your skills and it looks good on a resume.

AHHH your soo cute. you did an amazing job!

an 8 keep working at it also when you do a monologue or your acting make sure you are not totally imatating the actor that did it before you make sure you bring your self into it to your own personality never give up and keep on going 2 auditions keep working at it you have a ton of potential


I don't wanna be mean, but I'd say right now you are a five. Average, but with some potential. I think that you can't just redo what the original actor did. So, mix it up. Try saying it fifty thousand ways, and never pick just one. There might be multiple that work, and you should just let it flow naturally. Also, don't loose your confidence. Confidence is half of the stage. If you walk on to the scene like you own it, and you are the bomb, you will be the bomb. Be sure of yourself and what you are saying. Don't hesitate. If you feel like laughing out loud, do it. If you feel like crying, DO IT! Also, every actor should watch themselves in the mirror. We all over do it. (I'm way guilty.) So, I hope this helped. Keep trying! Break a leg!