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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What are some easy ways to train yourself to speak with a brooklyn accent?

Question:i have to speak with a brooklyn accent in a play i'm trying out for. how can i eaisly train myself?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i have to speak with a brooklyn accent in a play i'm trying out for. how can i eaisly train myself?

say key words like "car" which is pronouced "cA" just dont say the R at all. Just "get in the cA" or try "yeah tell me somthin I dont know" which the whole phrase is said in the accent

basically, just find a few phrases that you already know how to say in an accent, and then apply it to everything you say

If you want to try something harder, try "coffee" which is pronounced "CroAfee"

try to remember this: the brooklyn accent is made by saying everything as quickly and sharply as you can. A southern accent is made by saying everything lazy and slow.

You can just have my voice LOL. Im not sure why, but i have it. I am not that good at talking and yet i never shut up.

watch the movie Belly.

Watch a youtube video with someone with a Brookylnn accent in it (or a movie, commercial, ect.) and spend some time speaking like they do. Do they uptalk on certain words? Use slang? How do their mouths move?

Hire a speech coach... they probably aren't too expensive. Practice in front of your mirror at night and ask him to recommened excercises

If you have time/money, VISIT NEW YORK! Or if you already live their, go people watching! (or people listening(: )


listen 2 people with a brooklyn accent it is very throaty and all the vowels are long and harsh

This book has a great chapter on New York Accents. You can read one chapter and with a little practice, get very close. This is the fastest and best guide I have seen.

American Dialects: A Manual for Actors, Directors and Writers