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Question:things to do
movies to watch
scripts to read
anything that WORKS

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: things to do
movies to watch
scripts to read
anything that WORKS

to do: be in all the plays you can. take part in competitive oral interp at school. Don't get in a hurry to become an actor
Take your time train well.
movies to watch The 100 Best Films.
Scripts to read: all that you can get your hands on
Things that work: patience, perseverence, persistence

practice in the for scripts learn your part when you get one. and practice in a mirror first then in front of your friends after you think you have it down.

Get in a class. Read Stainslavski & Uta Hagen. Read plays and working scripts. Go see live theatre.

I know you probably want to get into films, where the acting is much different than the theatre, but some of the most memorable film actors were stage actors first. It takes a lot more to be able to hold an audience riveted when it's just you out there on a stage without being able to retake the shot than it does with a lighting crew, a soundtrack, and plenty of retakes when somethig goes wrong.

If you want to see a really good example of what a brilliant actor can do, watch Dangerous Liasons with Glenn Close. Watch it all the way to the very end. To me, the final scene epitomizes the qualities of the greatest actors.