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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What Do You Think My Chances Are Of Being An Actor?

Question:Im only 15, and i want to get into acting, looks - wise, what are my chances?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im only 15, and i want to get into acting, looks - wise, what are my chances?

I didn't check your myspace page, I'll tell you what I tell all my students. (I'm a voice teacher with many musical theatre people.) Dude, you are an actor NOW. I think your question is, can I make a living being an actor? The answer to that is: no. The reason it is 'no' is because it is the wrong question! You should be asking yourself: can I be happy in my life, with myself, if I am NOT acting?

My teacher once told me about 20 years ago that if you can be happy doing anything else, you should not be singing. It isn't about the ability to do anything else... it is about feeling right in your skin. I've quit music twice in my life because I was broke... and I've always gone back in. The arts call you if they want you.

If there is any doubt in your mind, then, NO. Let it be a fun hobby. But if there is nothing else for you, you'll konw. You'll really know if you quit acting... and then can't stay away from it.

Best of luck to you. The arts are a hard life, with zero degree of promised success. Don't ever count on meeting someone to give you a big break, because 1) those breaks are few and far between and 2) often times those people offering the breaks are also offering the actor the short end of the deal.

So, what do you do konw? See about joining actor's equity... there is a LOT you have to be able to do in order to join. The link is below. and... break a leg!

Your chances are as good as you want them to be. Follow your heart, work hard, and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

Oh, and I am sure that "Theatre Doc" will be answering you soon telling you that you are a wannabe and trying to get your email.

Be careful of him.

slim to none, just like everyone else.

Your looks can be improved. They question is can you act? You need to get a lot of experience or you are not going to do anything as an actor. You need to get into all the speech and drama stuff at school, especially the plays.