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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> If you consider yourself a good actor with great advice, answer THIS!! PLEASE!?

Question:When you are in a scene, what do you do with your hands??
Are they by yout side, raised, what?

What is your style of acting?
Emotional memory, improv on the spot study other actors?

What excersises should i do to improve acting?
in front of mirror ect.....
to get in character?

finally do you think you are a good actor? why? and how do you know?


detail please!!!!!!!!!!!!12points


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When you are in a scene, what do you do with your hands??
Are they by yout side, raised, what?

What is your style of acting?
Emotional memory, improv on the spot study other actors?

What excersises should i do to improve acting?
in front of mirror ect.....
to get in character?

finally do you think you are a good actor? why? and how do you know?


detail please!!!!!!!!!!!!12points


First off, if you are really nervous or out of character while performing, and you suddenly unsure of what to do, clench your hands into fists at your sides. This usually reads the right way fir any emotion. Stand with your feet planted, unless you have certain blocking, and try not to rock back and forth. Keep you feet on the same plane. Try tilting your head down a little if you need to get in character while you are acting.
But, don't do this all of the time. If you always are thinking about where your hands are, you are not in character.

I personally like to do two person or one person scenes, because I think they have the most emotion. They seem to get the most connection form the audience. But I also like really big, chesy, musical scenes just because of the pure fun.

Really, the only way to improve is to do it. Before you perform, get a friend or teacher to watch you, and tell them to criticize you. On getting in character. I just sit in a corner and think about them. I try to think about their favorite food, color, movie etc. and soon, I can relate to them so much, I don't really have to try!
I think am a good actor (but I'm not conceited) because I have an acting coach who really helps me be better. He critiques me and helps me learn.

It would be advisable for you to take a course so that you can be evaluated.I have and learned I have good acting skills.

If you are thinking what to do with your hands, you are "watching yourself" and not fully thinking about the character's need in the scene. The hand gestures arise naturally when you are fully immersed. (I've had this same issue and one of the lessons I learned in class. Always go back to the character's objective).

I would not recommend acting in the mirror AT ALL. That will only contribute to you thinking about how you look and on external movements. The best is to do plays constantly and take acting classes. You can work with partners and do monologues.

I'm an ok actor. I get cast sometimes and have gotten lots of input from directors, so I know I'm pretty good, and where my problem areas are.

Well it depends on what you're acting.
If you're sad and filled with emotion then you should raise your hands and pull out your hair, cover your ears and scream your lines.
If you're just speaking a line a simple simple line then hands by side would be fine. If you're line is smartaleck, put a hand on your hip and say the words mockingly.

My style of acting would most likely be study other actors. See what they do with the hands, eyes, study their expressions. Then, mix together a bunch of different style of acting that you've studied, and create your own style. It works every time.

Excersises to improve acting are simple. Get together with a few friends and make a funny skit with a camera, and put it on Youtube. See how many comments and views you get. Also, practicing in front of a mirror DOES help. Most people say it doesn't but it does because you can see how you look. If you see yourself looking nervous, then you can practice straightening up.

I think I am an ok actor. The most acting I ever do is silly, funny, and random skits on Youtube. Here's one of them:

I just sit with a notebook and write down lines of dialogue that I think people would say in real life, but it would still be funny and entertaining. Nice to watch, ya know?


Okay so too the question about your hands. If you're in a play, you get to a point in practice when you aren't carrying your script with you on stage all the time and you're hands feel really awkward. Your script was like your security blanket. What I try to do is put myself in this situation and mirror my stance. Depending on the character and the situation different body language is appropriate. You can do research on body language or just let yourself go. Also, become aware of what you do with your hands and arms during day to day life and use that in your acting. Or, when you watch a movie pay special attention to how the actors hold their bodies and what they do with their hands.

Royal Blue is right on. What you do with your hands is use them as the character would use them.
My style of acting is the Tony Barr style. React to the stimuli of the scene with honest responses. Do not pretend or "act" but always react.
The best way to practice acting is to be in a play. I do not believe much in exercises. Only experience acting will improve you acting. You get in character by concentrating on receiving the stimuli of the scene. You do not have to worry about creating a character as the playwright has already done that and when you step on stage or in front of the camera to play the character, you are the vessel which holds the character the playwright created. Just react to the stimuli as the character would without pretence or holding back.
I am a very good actor. I know this because I have acted on the amateur and semi-professional stages and in professional fims. I know this because I usually played leads on the stage and sometimes in getting cast in films, I wow'd the casting director or got roles simply on the recomendation of my agent.