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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Younger than you really are.?

Question:what kind of effect does how young you look play in getting certain roles, agents, and othe things?......i really mean if you look younger than your real age. Im 18 and could easily play a 13 year old role. is that a good or bad thing.. (does it mean im expandable?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what kind of effect does how young you look play in getting certain roles, agents, and othe things?......i really mean if you look younger than your real age. Im 18 and could easily play a 13 year old role. is that a good or bad thing.. (does it mean im expandable?

I've found that it's a good thing, actually.

You are going to have more training and experience than the other actors you're competing against for roles. A lot of times casting directors prefer to cast people over the age of 18 who can play young, because they tend to be more reliable (not to mention are better actors.)

You will be able to play ingenue roles for much longer. You'll have more of a chance to play the young lead. You'll have a nice long career this way.

I'm turning... *gasp*... 30 this month and I'm playing a 16 year old in the next show I'm doing. I haven't had much trouble getting cast in things, because as I said before - I have years more training and experience than my competition. I rarely tell my age anymore, because it doesn't really matter - the casting director will decide whether I look young or old enough for the roles in the play or film.

It's great! Enjoy it.

I've been in shows where someone my same age played my mother. I'm glad to be on the younger side of that pairing.

Looking 13 is one thing, but if you can also sound and act 13, because of the additional burden of child labor laws as an adult you'll have a better chance of work than an equally talented performer who is a minor.

you have to be able to sound and act it to.
but most people would consider that a good thing.
im 14 and could easyly play a 10 yr old.

if you do look younger it would be harder to get roles for you age tho.