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Question:im reading a biography on Anthony Horowitz
and it says-: Anthony Horrowitz is a prolific writter for film, tv and the theatre as well as children's books

i just wanted to know what does prolific mean


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: im reading a biography on Anthony Horowitz
and it says-: Anthony Horrowitz is a prolific writter for film, tv and the theatre as well as children's books

i just wanted to know what does prolific mean


It means he has a high profile, because he has done a lot. It is like saying Speilberg is a prolific director (he is known for directing lots of films - ET, Close Encounters, Jurassic Park - rather than just one) or that Julia Roberts is a prolific actress.

ie you may know Anthony H as a writer of childrens books, but he is well known and well respected for writing for film and Tv etc.

Makes me wonder if JK Rowling can be called a prolific writer...?

popular, producing in large quantities, abundant

it means : a writer who writes very much, who has produced many many books, materials. it's a massive "artistic, literary production" .

According to the Oxford English Dictionary it has a five different meanings but the one relevant for Anthony Horrowitz is:

"prolific, adj. ...

Of a creative artist, esp. a writer: producing many works."

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