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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do you think there's a meaning behind Sweeney Todd's death scene?

Question:When Todd's blood drips all over his dead wife's face? Does that signify anything to you?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When Todd's blood drips all over his dead wife's face? Does that signify anything to you?


Okay this might sound really emo, but I think the blood dripping down is like his tears... What I mean by this is that when the blood is dripping down, because he is dead, it is showing he is still sad that he did that to poor Lucy, the love of his life. And the second she found out it was him, he killed her. So in Todd's head he might have thought, Lucy thought for that second that he no longer loved her and that must have torn him up inside. And if you killed someone you really do love, you would be in sorrow for a long time. Plus he really didn't get a good time to cry, so while the blood is dripping it must show that he is still crying, just not with tears.

Haha, Sorry if you dont understand it!!!

Yeccch! How disgusting. That's what it signifies to me. The director obviously thought it signified something. But you may have to ask him, or just apply your own interpretation.