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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Good ACTING EXCERSISES TO DO? IMPROVE ACTING SKILLS, Please help!!?

Question:(note: Please dont answer, get a teacher, or read this book!!)

What re good excerises i can do at home?
I watched the Godfather recently and it inspired me to tone up my acting skills..

PLEASE!! give me ideas- In front of the mirror, in my room,

key body language, hand movement, ( these two movements, without looking awkward or ou of place body and hand wise)

facila expressions ( how can you do a facial expression without looking over the top? )

anywhere what are good techniques to get into character and ACTUALLY BE THEM!!

Thank you!

Seriously, 10 point to detail and helpful ideas and explanations!!


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: (note: Please dont answer, get a teacher, or read this book!!)

What re good excerises i can do at home?
I watched the Godfather recently and it inspired me to tone up my acting skills..

PLEASE!! give me ideas- In front of the mirror, in my room,

key body language, hand movement, ( these two movements, without looking awkward or ou of place body and hand wise)

facila expressions ( how can you do a facial expression without looking over the top? )

anywhere what are good techniques to get into character and ACTUALLY BE THEM!!

Thank you!

Seriously, 10 point to detail and helpful ideas and explanations!!


Try watching some other actors in different types of roles then mimic a part of the movie but add your own expression or movements to it. You can also do it with music, act like you are preforming the song on stage and you really are tying to get the crowed into it. Listen to what is being said and the emotion behind it. Then try with your own emotions and expressions and also how you say it. How you say something is just as important on what you are saying.

For Camera Acting? Most directors will tell you to do "less".
That means to just be natural, no over-the-top stuff when you are doing television and movies because it will look really strange in close-ups. Hold no tension unless it is called for.
I would try some facial warm-ups like lip rolling, massaging the face, and some vocal warm ups.
Hope that helps.

there is nothing you can do by yourself except to memorize scenes and practice saying them aloud. the only way to brush up your acting nis to be in a play. you only learn acting by acting. the mirror is no help, you cannot act and watch yourself at the same time. Books and classes are not how you learn to act, either. You have to go be in a play somewhere. Then reading a book and taking an acting class can give you some things to help you act more effectively.

Exercising in front of the mirror is definitely a good way, not just for acting but for confidence building but also to see yourself act. If you have a camera film yourself and play it back and see what you like and what you don't like in the way you appear. It's also good to find a drama school or some form of drama workshop to interact with other actors as well as develop stronger acting skills. Watch how other actors play their roles and pick up a style that you are confortable with. You should read some practices by Constantin Stanislavski. Very useful for actors.