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Question:hi does anyone have any fun improv games they like to play?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: hi does anyone have any fun improv games they like to play?

There is a game that I love called scenes from a hat. The actors all stand in a line across the stage, a bunch of situations are out into a hat, and one is drawn out. Then, a person can step forward and say something that pertains to the subject. Ex. cards might include: Worst neighbor ever, What the president is really thinking at his cabinet meetings, etc.
Another fun one is called party host. One actor is hosting a party and every other actor is given a character/profession that they have to act out. Someone will knock on the stage for the que to have another actor come onstage. Then, the host has to guess the character/profession and once they do that actor leaves and the party host moves on to the other guests.

there is one called park bench...two people sit next to each other and pretend they are on a bench. One person tries to be really obnoxious and annoning to try to get the other person to leave. Some ways to get people off the bench are acting like really perverted or nerdy...stuff like that...and once it gets to a point where it is realistic that the person would leave then you get up and leave. Try can be tons of fun

The following two are large group exercises, you probably need about 10 or more people to play these:
I love pass the sound effect. It's really fun. You stand in a circle with a bunch of other people and you basically pass the sound effect that someone makes (ex: zoom, ribbit, bompchika wahwah) if the sound goes around the circle one whole time without someone changing it, the last person who made the sound is out of the circle.
Zip zap zop is fun. You again stand in a circle and you pick one person to start. They say 'zip' and point to a person. That person has to say 'zap' and point to another person. Then they say 'zop', then point to another person who says 'zip', and so on. It's easy to get the zip zap zop pattern, but the trick is that you're picking random people in the circle, and it moves really really fast.
Have fun!