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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm perparing for a performance, what can I do about my character?

Question:So here's the rundown. I've been cast in a play as the boss of an office. The writer of the play told me that the boss is suppose to be a pompous douchebag if that helps. So I was thinking about watching some shows or movies to help get an idea of how I should potray my character, does anyone have any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So here's the rundown. I've been cast in a play as the boss of an office. The writer of the play told me that the boss is suppose to be a pompous douchebag if that helps. So I was thinking about watching some shows or movies to help get an idea of how I should potray my character, does anyone have any suggestions?

Watch "The Office". And maybe the old movie with Dolly Parton titled Nine To Five.

Watch the original and best version of A CHRISTMAS CAROL with Alistair Simm as Ebenezer Scrooge. You only need to study him for the first 20 minutes or so. He's a thoroughly rotten and hateful man. Be cold, angry and mean to anyone who talks to you. Walk around with an angry look of your face and don't give your character any likable qualities. I hope you enjoy the experience and have fun with it. You and your friends know you aren't really such a scumbag, but it can be fun to play someone who is so rotten. Break a leg! Rob R