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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Do i look old enough to play a mother?

Question:in a play where there are mostly adults?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in a play where there are mostly adults?

Since it seems you are in theatre, you can always wear makeup that can make you look older. You can add a wrinkle or two and dark spots......then again these days you can be a mom and look terrific as you do so I think if you can act the part then you got it made.......Look at the lady from Mamas Family (from way back) she wasn't old at all but if you watch the show she appears to be like 60 years old or something without a wrinkle on her face......good luck


a young mother.........i suppose

ya you would just look like a very young mom

depends on what kinda of mother of setting but in general Heck Yea!

lol have a blessed day!

yep, only a young one.

Yes, you're very pretty, use the right make-up you can be I young mother, or an early twenties, Mom

you are very pretty! and you do look like a mother!

like a young, pretty mom