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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What shld be in an audition tape?

Question:so i looked up the net n saw n audition call 4 a big movie.
they nd an audition tape.
wht shld i say?
name,why i wnt 2 act?
wht else?
or rap?
or do some whimsical stuff so the management would think tht i hv potential?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: so i looked up the net n saw n audition call 4 a big movie.
they nd an audition tape.
wht shld i say?
name,why i wnt 2 act?
wht else?
or rap?
or do some whimsical stuff so the management would think tht i hv potential?

Forget the stuff about why you want to act or why you think you'd be good for the role - they don't care and it's a waste of time.

If there are no submission guidelines on the site(ie. they give you sides they want you to read, or ask for a monologue), what they're asking for is a reel. A reel is a 3-5 minute tape of segments of projects you've done - commercials, film bits, etc.
If you're starting out, you won't have a reel, so the next best thing would be to do a monologue. Just pick 1, between 1.5-2 minutes that's in the style of the movie (ie. if it's a drama, do a dramatic monologue, comedy, do a comedic, you get the picture).
So, just turn the camera on, say your name and the title of your piece along with the playwright and begin your monologue. At the end just say "thank you" and that's it.
They will be able to tell pretty much immediately if you're right for a part in the film based on your look and your monologue will show them if you can act or not. That's all they care about, don't waste their time with all that other garbage or they will turn off the tape before you even have a chance to begin.

** as far as rapping, only do it if it's in the movie or there's a character that needs to be able to do it. Otherwise, it doesn't matter.

Name, why you want to act, and a monolouge (contemporary and classical)

1. Self introduction - tell them who you are and some personal background - age, address, status, education, present occupation, work experience, hobbies and skills. Tell them why you want to be a movie star.

2. Simulated acting - like you're acting out a script - about 3-5 minutes cut will do. this will show if you have potential.

4. Show your other talents - singing or dancing.

List your name, why u want 2 act, and why u think u'd be good 4 the role. Then preform a monolauge. It doesn't have 2 be from the movie, just one that really shows the characters u can play.