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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Can you get online representation from a talent agency?

Question:I ask this because I'm from Maine and its not the best place to start an acting career.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I ask this because I'm from Maine and its not the best place to start an acting career.


It's possible but I would be very wary.

Do your homework by researching(A quick Google search has alerted me to book publishing frauds many a time) any agency who responds to you. There are a frauds galore out there that prey on people's dreams.

Best of luck to you!

PS - I used to live in Maine.

Nothing reputable. Nor is anyone going to fly you out to auditon for them (anyone who offers to fly you out is probably some sort of felon with bad intent). Start in Maine lots of actors got their start there, get all the local work you can. When you are old enough and good enough move to New York or LA.


No. Anyone who's going to hire you needs to actually see you.

So you should start acting in Maine, in places where you can actually go for auditions, rehearsals, etc.