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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do I prepare for a musical audition at school?

Question:I am trying out for the school musical Guys and Dolls. I have two weeks until the audition. I have never sung in public before and have no idea how to go about this audition. I have a song selection that they gave us and a monolouge. I am not sure how I prepare my voice for loud extensive singing and a way to over come my stage fright. I also need a way to memorize my lines better. Any advice or tips for me?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am trying out for the school musical Guys and Dolls. I have two weeks until the audition. I have never sung in public before and have no idea how to go about this audition. I have a song selection that they gave us and a monolouge. I am not sure how I prepare my voice for loud extensive singing and a way to over come my stage fright. I also need a way to memorize my lines better. Any advice or tips for me?

First of all, good for you for deciding to try out for a musical, especially such an excellent one likes Guys and Dolls, if you make it, it will be a blast!

First of all, you might want to invest in voice lessons to prepare you for an audition. They will help you very much, and the vocal instructor can definitely help you choose the right song for you and help strengthen and refine your voice. Even two lessons (one each week before the audition) will help a ton. Also, you're going to want to protect your voice. This means no screaming, obnoxiously loud talking, or pushing your singing voice too far. Drink plenty of water, and even drink tea with honey in it, which soothes your voice.

As for the monologue and memorizing, grab a friend who is willing to sit down with you and help you memorize. Take the monologue one sentence at a time to help you memorize. Visualize what you are saying or trying to convey to your audience in your mind. This will help you remember what to say. After you have it memorized, take a while to think about what your monologue is trying to get across to the audience. Put into it emotion, thought, and feeling that portrays what the monologue is trying to say. Remember, you're not just talking, you're taking on a whole new person and acting.

Stage fright is a difficult thing to get over. Before your audition, take 10 seconds to just clear your mind and focus. Don't think about anyone watching you, not even the director. Think to yourself, "I want to be in this show. I can do this, and I'm not letting anyone get in my way." Confidence is key in auditioning, and don't be afraid to let it show! (Just don't get cocky.)

Auditioning for a play is a whole process in itself, but the more plays you audition for, the better you'll get. I have full confidence in you, and I hope your audition goes well!

Good luck!

if you sing- dont have any dairy the day before and of...... drink only water liquid wise. dont over sing when you practice. dont try to over do your voice because it will end up cracking, just sing like you normally do at home, but make sure that you can be heard.

Watch the play, whether its taped or online somewhere. Also, go to youtube and type in the name of the song you're doing. Listen to it a few times, and after that sing along with it to get all the rhythem and pitches right. With monologues, each day, memorize a certain section. Each day proceeding, recite the prior passages, and memorize a new passage.

Practice at your home like singing and stuff

OK every thing is cool and easy to do but getting over stage fright is so hard cause i been trough it so here r some tips for u try thinking that yoUr alone in Ur room and talking to ur crush and u will get confident on Ur self. so try to think of something nice and that Ur going to be the best in the play and u will do well thrust me. so relax and for studying your lines don't worry just tell them to someone you Trust and u will be fine so good luck and hope your the best.

Suck it up,and work on it every day, doing both the song and the monologue many times each day until you can do them confidently. Work now, no worry later.