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Question:Okay. I know that there are pretty much hundreds of questions about stage fright, but this isn't really stage fright. Instead, I get really nervous for auditions. I know that I'm fairly good, but whenever I'm in front of people who are judging me and deciding whether or not I should be in their play, I get extremely freaked out. I freeze up, start shaking, and when I'm supposed to memorize something, this is a huge problem. What can I do to be more comfortable for auditions so that I can show the people there what I can do? I definitely screwed up my last (and very important) audition because of this, and now I can't be in a show that I wanted to be in VERY badly. I am/was also COMPLETELY prepared, memorized, everything beforehand. It's just when I get in front of those IMPORTANT people that I have a problem.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay. I know that there are pretty much hundreds of questions about stage fright, but this isn't really stage fright. Instead, I get really nervous for auditions. I know that I'm fairly good, but whenever I'm in front of people who are judging me and deciding whether or not I should be in their play, I get extremely freaked out. I freeze up, start shaking, and when I'm supposed to memorize something, this is a huge problem. What can I do to be more comfortable for auditions so that I can show the people there what I can do? I definitely screwed up my last (and very important) audition because of this, and now I can't be in a show that I wanted to be in VERY badly. I am/was also COMPLETELY prepared, memorized, everything beforehand. It's just when I get in front of those IMPORTANT people that I have a problem.

I am pasting in a response I gave another gal a week ago because i think this could help you too:

Suspension breathing (a yoga excercise) does really well to calm anxiety. Other people I know focus on a calming color, Shirley MacLaine shouts out every swear word she knows, Janis Joplin as fabulous as she was would drink herself to oblivion just to get the nerve to get out on stage this I do not reccomend, the point is we all get nervous and we all have our tricks. The trick is to get the nervous adrenaline to work for you not against you. Thus far I find suspension breathing to be the best technique.

***See website
Pasted from this page :
In yoga, energy (also known as life force) is called prana. Proper breathing allows the body’s prana to flow more efficiently, which leads to better health. The practice of proper breathing is pranayama and includes four stages:
Inhalation: Intake of air via nose, mouth, or both
Retention: Holding of the breath
Exhalation: Release of air via nose, mouth, or both
Suspension: Continued emptiness of the lungs after exhalation
We have all had the OH MY GOD WHY AM I UP HERE moment just don't let the memory of experience of it get in the way.

Confidence in performance will come from knowing your part so well you can do it while doing anything.

But just remember the people out there watching your audition are rooting for you no matter how stoney faced the may appear they want you to do well.

ALSO try visualizing your audition picture the room, picture walking across the stage, when you practice your monologues and songs, picture the theatre and the stage, picture auditors, practice introducing yourself and your song or monologoue, you have attended auditions so you know what they are like, just visualize a fantastic audition. You have the talent, so you can do it!

Good Luck!

Why not get some friends who all enjoy acting together and set up some mock auditions. Then you can have a go infront of them and as a judge, you will see it from both points of view and realise that there is no reason to be worried about the judges!!!

You could also go to as many auditions as possible, even if you're not really interested in the part...practise will make perfect!

Good Luck!