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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I want to try out for a disney channel show?

Question:I live near San Francisco

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I live near San Francisco

If you want to do it, then do it =]
I hope you get the part that you want.
My brother and sister watch the Disney Channel
all the time, so we'll look out for you =]

Cool. Go for it.


You would be perfect for a Disney Show.

good job! have fun

most Disney auditions are done in FL. They advertise their castings on several sites and you would need to go down there to audition.

you should get an agent that lives near you and disney channel only hires people with a lot of experience with acting, it's really hard to get into one of their shows.

Do you really want to do that? Why not do something like a lawyer or a doctor?Or if your a teen wait for a better career!

Are you kidding me after what happened to Brittney?

Look in the paper for an open casting will most likely need an agent and have some talent to bring tot he table. You need to be realistic....your not going to start out as a major character with you own show. Most likely you may be a minor character with a repeating role.

Good Luck and I hope this helps.

so then try out!

Not to rain on your parade but..

Do you have a nice list of work that you've done?

Have you trained with a professional acting teacher to perfect your skills?

Do you have a well known agent?

If not. then there is no possible way that you can get a disneychannel show

First you need experience, so find plays in your area or act in a commercial and then if you try really hard you might be on Disney channel. It also might help to get an agent.