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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can I convince my Drama teacher to do High School Musical the play?

Question:any ideas?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: any ideas?


think we're doing it at our school!

say it will be a big hit
its musical and acting
gives a chance for you to be creative and percieve the characters how you want to

also, why should the drama teacher chose what you do!

yous do the acting and singing :)

kill yourself and while your doing it, write it on the wall with your blood

why the hell would you do that?

High School Musical is so popular with the movies and all, do something different. Our senior musical was The Pajama Game and it was soooo cute and it turned out really good.

kiss her a__

I would chose another play. But you could try to have a serious talk to her. Then have other students ask her to do that play (if they really want to). Maybe even have your parents talk to her. If you have it let her see it if she hasn't yet. Hope it helps

tell the lessons of the storie so she might agree to you.

I think your best chance would be to get some other students together who are enthusiastic about it, then, collectively, let your teacher know that it's something you all be willing to really work toward......good luck! ^_^

what are you thinking? there are so many better musicals you could do and i commend your drama teacher for not giving in to you.

High school music is a fun movie but i would keep it that- a movie. I'm not saying forget about it, but don't expect your drama teacher to come round easily. For one if you thing HSM is a challenging piece of drama- think again, an appalling actor could do that script well, it may look fun to perform, and it maybe fun to watch, but your drama teacher wants to develop your skills, so by not letting you do it he is probably doing you a favor.

If you still have your heart set on it- then get everyone else in the class to sign something- s/he may not come round still but kneeling on the floor and begging is a waste of time.

okay, im not going to post anything mean or rude. im just going to answer your question. i would explain that "high school musical" is a very big disney channel hit and will attract a big crowd and big profit.

If the rights to the show are not within the department's budget, you can't.

(plus your drama teacher may actually have a GOOD musical in mind already :D)