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Question:anyone know a good place to start in becoming an actor on film?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: anyone know a good place to start in becoming an actor on film?

Here are tips coming from an actress herself=)

FIrst off, Location is a really big deal.
If you want to get into film New York City or LA is the best place to be,
LA mainly, considering NYC is more for theater work.
I would also take as many classes in acting as you possibly can.
Try not to take just a general acting class, since specific ones are way more in depth.
For ex. (scene study, film technique, improv, audition study, etc.)

Training is very important b/c even fi you don't have much experience agents and casting directors will be very impressed with training.

Next up, would typing up your resume, with any experiene you have,
If you have none, you might want to find small tv roles, or commercial parts in your area just to have something on your resume.
Mext would be getting some headshots done, which is a basic picture of yuor face but they can be rather pricey.
(A really good photographer is Melissa Hamburg, you can find her on google)

Then, a mass mailing, which is sending your pix and resume to any shows, and agents that fit your interest.
While you're waiting to hear from them, you should probably sign up for a magazine like backstage or some casting service to get local auditions.

Even if you mail to hundreds of agents you may only get 2 or 4 calls, if any.
Then if you get an agent, they will hopefully help you get work.

*If an agent ever asks for money or starting fee they are a scam, and leave as fast as you can.
This is how it works, your agent gets you a job and w/e you got payed for that job, your agent gets 15%

Hope I helped.=)

their are plenty of websites were they want actors to come and audition these websites list thousands of upcoming movies and you should take a look at one. i know i got a small acting job from one i remember it like it was yesterday. i played the part of the neighbor i had about 12 lines.
check it out!!!!!

There are lots of places to start. It depends mostly on your age and what is nearby. How old are you and what city could you travel to at least once each week for classes and lessons?