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Question:okay. heres the story.

my names jessica and i'm 13 years old.
i'm in 7th grade.
i know, i'm young, but whatever.
please answer this the same.
i have red hair,
and a tonnn of freckles.
the problem is,
i'm really tall. like last time i measured(a couple months ago at the doctors for a physical),
i was 5' 5.5" tall.

heres whats up:
i tried out for my school musical,
((high school musical))
for gabriella and sharpay.
i think i did REALLY REALLY well.
and everybody else complimented me, too.

heres the problem:
i'm so tall,
and i've got freckles like everywherrr
and i'll probably end up wearing a wig.
we find out who made it on wednesday.
i am so nervous.
there's only one other girl who i'm afraid will make it,
but she's like my best friend,
and her singing voice is beyond astounding,
but her acting is only good.

i am so nervous, can you please help me?
give me advice?
calm me down?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: okay. heres the story.

my names jessica and i'm 13 years old.
i'm in 7th grade.
i know, i'm young, but whatever.
please answer this the same.
i have red hair,
and a tonnn of freckles.
the problem is,
i'm really tall. like last time i measured(a couple months ago at the doctors for a physical),
i was 5' 5.5" tall.

heres whats up:
i tried out for my school musical,
((high school musical))
for gabriella and sharpay.
i think i did REALLY REALLY well.
and everybody else complimented me, too.

heres the problem:
i'm so tall,
and i've got freckles like everywherrr
and i'll probably end up wearing a wig.
we find out who made it on wednesday.
i am so nervous.
there's only one other girl who i'm afraid will make it,
but she's like my best friend,
and her singing voice is beyond astounding,
but her acting is only good.

i am so nervous, can you please help me?
give me advice?
calm me down?

Okay first, BREATHE! :P
it's alright hun! (: I can relate to you, and how you feel, you would be surprised how many of us feel like that after an audition!

You just have to be confident (I know it can be very hard..I'm still working on it :P) but just keep on telling yourself positive thoughts, like "I did do great" "Even if I don't get a main part it's better than nothing"...and remember if they don't cast you for a role it may be because you don't suite the role of the character you want, you can't help that, you can't change the way you look. But on the other hand, make-up can work wonders..they can cover up your freckles for the performance nights..(and by the way..freckles are cute don't worry! look at lindsay lohan..well look how she used to be..everyone loved her back then and she had freckles and red hair) and as you said you propably can wear a wig, it wouldn't be that hard..
and your height may be an advantage..just say if you got cast as could tower over the girl play Kelsi, and look very powerful.

So don't worry, make-up and wardrobe can do wonders for how you look on stage..but don't worry, having red hair and freckles doesn't mean you can't do anything! I bet you look very pretty...and being tall..well look at Nicole Kidman..she is 179 cm tall!! and she is considered one of the most beautiful women in the world!!! (:

I hope this was of some help to you..
and good luck! i'm sure you will get a great part.


You should be confident in yourself, and happy for your friend if she gets the part. Theres not much else you can really do except wait.

Well, the audition is over, and nothing you do now is going to affect your chances. If you did well and the director thinks you are the best choice, chances are you will get the part. If either of those are not the case, you may not get exactly what you want right now. The good news is, this will not be the last musical you ever have the chance to try out for. Your best bet if you don't get the part is to learn the part just in case, and to help your friend learn her lines, which will help the production be the best it can be. No part is small, and no show is the end-all, be-all. You need to have fun with it first and foremost, and remember that it's all for fun.

My sister is your age, and believe me when I say that 5 feet 5 inches is not that tall for a 13 year old kid. Maybe compared to your classmates you are tall but they'll all catch up soon enough, so don't worry about being different. From the way you described yourself, you seem very unique looking. Pretty, but not the same pretty you see everyday. Therefore, the director (or the drama teacher) may think your look stands superior to the others. However, as you have seen in the movie, Sharpay and Gabriella have a very specific way of acting. So if you don't make it don't worry about it. But I really hope you did because you sound like a cool kid. Unfortuantley I can't do anything about the nervousness. It's just something we actors have to deal with. Good luck!!!!!

First of all, there's makeup enough to cover the freckles if you need to cover them... Wigs abound...they are everywhere...people do wear them and it's okay...Acting is about becoming someone else...
chill out...what will be will be...You did your best, as did your best's up to Fate now...relax... enjoy the snow if it's snowing where you are...

All you can do is hope for the best.
If you're friend makes it, then you should be happy for her. If she is you're bestfriend.
You said you gave your all at the audition, so just relax and breathe.
If they do not cast you for Gabriella based on looks, then there is something definately wrong. It should be about the talent.