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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Webshow?!?

Question:Me and my best friend want to make a webshow, because we love acting and singing and we really want to be famous. But we dont know what the show should be about, any ideas?! we want the show to be funny and fun to do and also include acting and singing. Any topic ideas?!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Me and my best friend want to make a webshow, because we love acting and singing and we really want to be famous. But we dont know what the show should be about, any ideas?! we want the show to be funny and fun to do and also include acting and singing. Any topic ideas?!


A show about a girl who is very smart, a genius, and she's been offered a place at a university. She doesn't need to finish high school and can go straight to college, but she has to decide whether she wants that or not. Does she want to be "normal" and finish school and remain with her friends, even if school isn't a challenge intellectually? Or is she ready for a change and to take on college, even if it means she doesn't get to be with her friends as much? Which will be better for her future?

I think you can incorporate music into this easily. You can make it about the girl and her best friend. How would they react to such a situation?