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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Why are they making another High School Musical?

Question:So HSM 3 is already in production. My kids watch this crap over and over and insist on listening to the c.d.s in the car. Am I being punished for doing that to my parents but with New Kids on The Block?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So HSM 3 is already in production. My kids watch this crap over and over and insist on listening to the c.d.s in the car. Am I being punished for doing that to my parents but with New Kids on The Block?

Money....Disney is miking the franchise as long as it can. People keep watching, buying the DVDs, merchandise, "ice tour" tickets {0_o},etc. Sadly

Because everyone loves HSM! The first and second movie did so well so they obviously are going to make a third! They start production in April.

Money! Money! Money!


becuase they think people liked them i personaly thought they were nothin special .. no offense to anyone who likes them

because maybe you dont like it but some of US DO!
i love it and dont call it crap because to some of us its beautiful.

HSM?!! i really dont like it. so unrealistic...Seriously, the HSM1 "Stick to the status quo" scene wouldnt be possible here in the real world without, they were all in unison..which is soo not gonna happen. HSM, get a life!

im sorry..but i really really dont like it

Because Disney is all about brainwashing children, telling them they have to be perfect.
Disney is just in it for the $ but they don't know the monster they unleashed onto society.

because it teaches your kids a lesson. kids like this stuff, it's probably the easiest way to entertain them. Yea the 3rd HSM is graduation day. i can't beieve you don't see how obvious it is that they are making a 3rd movie. the dolls, cd's, dvd's, games, clothing, etc. it's all about the money. in a few years they'll forget all about it.