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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Whould you rather be an actor or a singer?

Question:Sing or Act?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Sing or Act?

I love musicals, because they have both.

But overall, as a male, singer.

Because male singers go a lot farther.


I'd love to be a great actor who can also sing. Look at John Travolta for example.

singer. i luv to 'sing' in the shower so why not? my neighbors dont like it so i 'act' as tho i like them. defintely a singer.

If you ever heard me sing ... You would want me to take up acting


Although I was in choir all throughout school. I would choose acting. I loved drama club. I would love to be a comedy actress. I don't have the best voice anymore so the less I sing the better off everybody else will be.

Nice one!
Done Both...Well as a singer you are usually doing all that you can, and your only during a solo etc...
So I feel your more in the moment...

As a Actor, not all your Roles will be Lead Roles, you will have many supporting parts, (these are important to the plot etc) however one of the hardest things to do as a actor is to just stand their in the mist of other performers. Also If you ever try it...You will see that your on the set at 5 in the morning, you might do your run through by 10:30, then after all is said and done..after lunch, you might be in front of the camera at around 1 in the afternoon... So its a huge down_time game of waiting...

My choice...SINGER............


Acting. I love both though. Musicals are great because you can do both. But I think the reason I fell in love with acting is that you can be another person for awhile and live another "life". With singing you are just being you and while that's fabulous and all acting you get to experience more.

A decent singer should also be able to act. Songs are meant to portray emotions and moods and such, not just put pretty notes out there. If you can't do that, you aren't a very good singer, in my opinion. Therefore, actor

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Acting... i enjoy it, i think it would be awesome to play a role of a character, recorded, and displayed to everybody for their entertainment. but as singing goes, i think i will leave that in my car with the windows rolled up.