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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> When you send out a resume through regular mail, how long would it take approxim

Question:.. if they wanted to contact you? Do they really read them?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: .. if they wanted to contact you? Do they really read them?

Newyorkgal is right but if you don't hear from them within 6-8 weeks then they're not interested in you right now. Keep working on it and resubmit in 6 months when you have added something substantial to your resume and have new headshots.

A good resource for looking into those agents is Ross Reports. It's not free but they will tell you whether or not a particular agency is looking for new clients right now and what they're looking for. It can save you from wasting your time and postage not to mention all those headshots and cover letters! You should also see if the agency has their own website that tells you their preferences for submissions!

Don't forget, do not call or walk in to an agent's office. Big no-no!


It depends on the Talent Agency. Some agencies throw them in the trash can. You have to remember that agencies get a LOT of résumé résumés from actors, yours isnt' the only one.

A Talent Agent trainee/secretary, might read the résumé and give it to a Junior or Senior Agent, depending on procedure, for such things. You have to rememer not every Agency operates the same way.

It also depends on how smart the actor, mailing their headshot to the Agency to determine if that particular is "right," for them.

Not every agency specializes in the same areas of entertainment. If an actor wants to do voiceovers, don't sent a resume to an agency that specializes in Industrial, Soap Operas, voicevoers, etc. One should always do reseach the agency prior to doing a mailing.