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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Heyy can anyone tell me what can i do to inhance my acting skills?

Question:i would liek to be an actor but sadly i cant take any lessons what can i do to be a better actor?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i would liek to be an actor but sadly i cant take any lessons what can i do to be a better actor?

get a book of monolouges from your library or print some from the internet(there are TONS on the net) and read tehm over and over and record them. listen to yourself. test yourself on projection, emotion, movement, and realism and audition for everything lacally you can and ask the judges for feeback or even go the the local high school and ask the drama teacher to "test" you, im sure she/he will good luck

Observe and absorb as much as you can.Admittedly,acting in front of a camera is different from acting in front of an audience.But,the basic priciple is the same..Work from a place of truth and BECOME the person you're playing(but only in rehersals or onstage!) Watch the good ones(you probably have favorites)and resist the temptation to copy them gesture for gesture(tough,but do-able)also watch what really bad acting looks like (and I'll bet you have!)so you know what NOT to do.The rest is practice and hard work

Try out for a play! You will learn loads of acting stuff, and meet awesome new people too!

If there is a Community Theater in your city, ask your parents to call them,to see if there are volunteer opportunities for you at the theater.