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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Which musical is better, Rent or The Producers?

Question:Rent- if you love friends the tv series and The Producers if you love a great laugh. Personally i like the producers better cause ive seen it 20 times this week

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Rent- if you love friends the tv series and The Producers if you love a great laugh. Personally i like the producers better cause ive seen it 20 times this week

They are two different shows that appeal to two different audiences. However, they are both brilliant theatre. Both created by theatrical genius.

Both are brilliant. Rent made me cry, which isn't easy to do.

The Producers

Apples and Oranges. But for me - the Producers.

99% of people who have seen Rent proclaim to really love this musical, that it's a moving tale about love, and that you just HAVE to see it. I am one of few who dislikes it.

I have always enjoyed musical theatre, the arts, etc, and I have seen about 30 different shows, ranging from ones with "Pop" appeal, to obscure shows, but I have ALWAYS disliked Rent. (It's not that I'm an old Traditionalist either - I'm 23, and I always go into entertainment with an open mind)...

My problem with Rent is this - it annoys me. It comes across as preachy - blaming everyone else for character's problems. And let me make one thing clear - I have absolutely problem with portrayals of homosexuality, and I have compassion for the characters that are battling with AIDs. It's the self-pitying, "I'm the victim", I don't have - so somebody must have taken from me attitude, that gets to me.

Songs Rent, La Vie Bohem, and Living in America are all self pitying anthems that characters sing to "stick it to the man"....

It's not that I'm totally pro-establishment, and that I don't enjoy a portrayal of swimming upstream, artistry, or independence. I respect non-conformity, and people classify me as someone who goes against the grain.

It's the issue that throughout the play - all of the characters spend more time in self-pity and complaint, than trying to improve the situation they live in. (Incedentally - the only character who does is the "evil" friend who gets and education and a works in a job, and asks friends to pay rent money that they haven't paid for a year.

It is just a story, but what really bothers me is too many people walk away from the musical thinking - "Wow - we live in an opressive society, what has America come to - It's the governments fault, it's business's fault, it's my parents fault, etc. (not that any of these entities is without fault at times, because they all have had big faults, but they each in their own rite, have done alot of good too). I guess I still like to think that we live in a country (and in most instances - World) in which - if you work hard enough - you can succeed. Problem is - nobody in Rent really wanted to work hard.

A bit long - sorry for the soapbox - and if you disagree, great I do respect your opinoin....It's obviously a beloved musical for alot of people.... :)

Producers is much better. Comedy always prevails for me.

The Producers is more of your classical Broadway musical and you can't really go wrong when Mel Brooks is writing. It is funny and gives you a good "this is what Broadway is about" feel.

Rent is in a different category. It is an opportunity to see something different. At this point the story is a bit dated. When I first saw it in the 90's while living in NYC it was far more relevant . But I appreciate it as much today for being the high energy powerful show that it is. The writer, Jonathan Larson only wrote two shows and "Rent" is the only one you can see on regular basis.

Between the two I can say I have seen The Producers twice and Rent 11 times. But everyone will differ. For me every cast of Rent brings a new vibrant energy to a story that still remains to move me. The Producers made me laugh. But now I just feel as if I have seen it and I am done.

The Producers is probably better written and Rent has better music. One is a great theater experience the other is a great experience altogether.

The Producers is funnier and RENT is a little too dramatic for my taste.

You can't really compare them objectively, since they're just too different. It's drama or comedy. Two different genres, neither dominating the other. There's no objective answer to that, unless you're looking for people's personal preferences.

In which case, my answer is Rent. XD